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UP is the main software application for ASIX programmers. It runs under Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 (older systems can be also supported).

Software UP offers many advanced features and allows detailed user control of device programming process - either interactively or "remotely" controlled using command line, Windows messages and DLL library. Software UP currently supports the following ASIX programmers: PRESTO and FORTE.


⤓   UP_3-69_EN.EXE
(executable installer, 27 454 520 B, from 2024-08-28)
➜ Version history - information about new devices and features, improvements, changes and bug fixes.

Previous version: ⤓ UP_3-68_EN.EXE (executable installer, 27 452 016 B, from 2024-06-25)

UP software USER'S GUIDE is included in PRESTO and FORTE User's Guides - please note that this is the the recommended reading for all users of ASIX programmers!
➜ PRESTO_EN.PDF (PDF format, about 5 MB)
➜ FORTE_EN.PDF (PDF format, about 6 MB)

Device Support List:
➜ SUPLIST.HTM - this list includes all devices supported by the software UP (please note that FORTE and PRESTO support even more devices by other software - see the paragraph below).

Additional information

Other software for PRESTO and FORTE
PRESTO and FORTE support wide range of other devices than those which are included in the UP software: parts with JTAG interface for which is the development system able to produce the SVF or XSVF file (like Xilinx/AMD CPLDs, configuration PROMs, FPGAs, Altera/Intel CPLDs, ...)
Please refer to PRESTO download page and FORTE download page.

The up_control.dll enables user to control the UP software using functions contained in the library. It contains basic programming functions.
⤓ up_app01_en.pdf - application note (PDF, approx. 500 kB, 2021-08-20)
⤓ - examples for C and Delphi (ZIP archive, 902 671 B, 2021-08-20)

Linux support - discontinued
PRESTO and FORTE could be used also in Linux - this support was discontinued.

USB drivers for systems before Windows 7
Although the USB drivers supplied in the UP installation package work in most cases well also in older systems like Windows XP, some installations of older systems may have problems with these new drivers. In such case please use these drivers:
⤓ (ZIP archive, 813 569 B)

Archived versions
Old, discontinued LPT-based programmers PICQUICK, PICCOLO, PICCOLO GRANDE and CAPR-PI are supported with older versions of the software UP which can be found in Museum.


The UP software is not a standalone product, it is an integral part of programmers made by ASIX s.r.o. It can be installed on any computer where some of ASIX programmers will be used. The software can be used free of charge. Legitimate user of ASIX programmers is allowed to download the UP software updates free of charge from ASIX' website.

User may not modify, reverse engineer or sell the software. The software may not be used with products of other manufacturers.

The software is provided "as is", without any warranty that it is error-free.

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