Because of lack of capacity for maintaining support in Linux system, where new versions do not keep backward compatibility, the support of our products in Linux was discontinued.
Last version where we tested our products is:
UBUNTU 20.04.2 LTS and Wine 5.0
Our customers informed us that our products could be successfully used up to Wine 6.0, but not in higher versions.
It is possible to use ASIX products with the USB interface under Linux.
Note: For various Linux distributions and their versions might the particular steps slightly differ. Feel free to ask us for a help if necessary.
(TAR.GZ file format, 8 319 B)
⤓ libftchipid.0.1.0.tar.gz
(TAR.GZ file format, 337 920 B)
Current version of the D2XX drivers by FTDI is available on their website:
The 1.4.22 version from 2021-01-21 of the D2XX Linux drivers for X86 (32-Bit) is for the unlikely case of unavailability of the FTDI website archived here:
➜ libftd2xx-i386-1.4.22.tgz
(TGZ format, 572 451 B)
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